
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Out Bound Training Expands Mind Thinking and Maturity

IT Industry is time competitive industry to earn, finish and delever a project. Its profits are measured against time. It employs people who value against time. So, obviously, employees in IT races againest time to get more margin to company and more CTC to their pockets. This race causes a lot of pressure in employees. This industry raises competency between the employees. and that causes peer pressure and then jealous relationship between employees. Employees loose the great environment of co-ordination, co-operation and lively atmosphere in the company. Everyone sees the other as competitor and lacks the co-operation to be suceed as team. Indsutry represents its employees not the building or machinery. Industry suceed only when employees work together and give more output. Sucesses at individual level wouldn't help the industry. Sucesses from individuval shold go towards team, then towards group and then towards industry. This happens only when there is an amicable environment between empoyees and employees are nurtured creativity instead of competitiveness.

Out-bound training is useful to provide an understanding between employees about what is team, and how a team can achieve more than individual. Ofcourse, team achievement is nothing but a collective achivments of each individual for greater sucesses. Outbound trainging gives you different thinking, maturity and make you feel as team than a individual. Outbound training gives you feeling that each one is a great contributor for a great sucesses. It tells you there is nothing that only one person can achieve it. It's like one persone is good at onething, the other is good at another and collectively they can achive things.

During trainging the trainer reveals the things to trinees through small expirments and he explaines the input which are taken from the team members to all in right perspective and direction and cultivate the environment that they missed something but others have it and if they combine and work together you achive a lot.

Outbound training gives you some time off from work and gives you fun. It gets you all known each other thoroughly. It reveals the talent/creativity of each individual. This improves confidence of an individual in the team. This is relief from daily routines, chaos, chores. Every individual can also get the comfort in team when he is out with them for fun activities. Each individual rejoice in fun activities and understands the other person. It removes all prejudices, jealous and invokes thought to be united and have great visulization, capacity, creativity.

I am very confident that who undergo outbound training under proper instructor will absorb the following things
1. Thinks in terms of team
2. Approches team members easily
3. Proacative contribution
4. Able to lead the team
5. Gives helping hand
6. Visualizes the work