
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reviews -What it signals?

I am sure it signals a long proces and time.
I heard and also said many times. :) We are agile and we need a working application not processes.
Will the working pice of applications will suits to customer requriements? how do you validate?
Don't you think reviews what validates standards followed during development?

Reviews are done at different levels and areas.
Each one will enhance the application targeting a specific area.
I could see these many reviews which will add value for an applications which will win customer's heart.

Techincal Reviews
Application maintanance
Techincal Archtecture
Enterprise integration
Coding and design
Security Reviews
Application Usability reviews
Application Branding standards
Copy Rights Review
User interface reviews

Each one of the above is done by different experts. These will ensure the product would stay in the market quite a long period.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Work vs Responsibility

2 colleagues were chatting about their work while sipping tea. One colleague said he was loaded with work. He couldn't get time to do anything and felt drained everyday by the time going home. he asked about other colleague work and his feelings. The other colleague mentioned, well, I had given a higher responsibilities. I had been doing lots of work and I didn't find time for other stuff. I felt like charged in dealing with responsible work. I could see the progress everyday and I enjoyed it.

It is a fun when we are loaded with responsibilities. It makes us enjoy the work. It creates a positive stress which makes us to deal with.
Work assignment generates negative stress which makes us to run away not to deal with. See the difference. Work load is similar. But the way it is given is different. leader knows it. he gives the responsibilities and provides direction. It is a conversation which creates either positive energy or negative energy based on language we use. So leader knows right language. He creates future and righ environment.

It is very clear on how a person performance changes based on these 3 laws.
1. A person actions are perfectly correleates to how things occure to him.
2. How thing occurs to a person arises in language
3. A future based language changes how things occurs to a person.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Transaction Demarcation

Transaction Demarcation:

The heart of any business transactional applications is transactional manamgement. No need to specify if it a financial applications like bank applications, how important is the transaction management. There are certain ground rules laid out by our industry expert on how we must handle this. But there is always a gap, unless you put our mind there.This is a primary concern for any database application. While I was looking at the health of an application based on my earmarked points such is one Transactions managment, I got into the following. These appears as fundamental mistakes. Let see what are the mistakes

MethodA(par1, parm2....){

x.MethodB(p1, p2, ....);




MethodB(p1,p2, ...){






MethodA was called from coarse grained method service. MethodB was called from fine grained service and as well MethodC.

What are the problems you could see here?

let's take a look at points take at architecture and design level


1. Layer of maintaining transactions
2. Transactions management patterns
3. programming or declarative transaction management


1. Confirming ACID properties
2. Single Unit of work
3. Considering Exceptions
4. Transaction demarcation

Monday, February 01, 2010

Communication: Is it a language or expression?

Today I had discussions on how to have effective communication. The questions raised are
1. is it about grammar?
2. is it about what you want to get across?
3. is it about using hi-fi words, phrases and idioms?
4. is it about just talking?
5. is it about how concisely you speak the point?
6. is it about beating around the bush to speak more for simple point?

Some people give suggestions to improve communication for others. Do they understand what you're saying when they are lacking communication skills? :)
Unless you explain them what is it you identified lacking in that person, there is no use in rising improve communication skills?

Person may be good at grammar, may be lacking necessary vocabulary or the other way round. This comes under a language issue, but it doesn't come under communications skills. There are many writers or orators know less words or grammar, but impressed the public most. This comes under theoretical learning and person should learn rules and words by heart.

Persons are perfect in vocabulary and grammar, but they will not be able express their views. This is a skill needs to be developed and it is a bit practical.

It needs interactions. These interactions makes a subject under discussions. These discussions explores views from each person. Here we need to use vocabulary and grammar. So these discussions could involve simple sentences or hi-fi phrases, idioms in sentences.

If we guide a person with clear distinction of what he lacks on communications front, it is easy for that person to develop.

While speaking ,it is always good to use simple sentences rather than decorated with hi-fi phrases and idioms which will make others misunderstand actual meaning of a sentence. :)

May be while scripting, we can choose to show up capacity of our mind dictionary. :)