
Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Necessity makes any thing. Information Technology has become prominent across industries as it has been reducing lot of opertional cost. It made the turnaround time for any activity to become very less. It has been more effective in tracking and monitoring business. Productivity increased and companies have been growing healthy.

There is no limit for human mind to think beyond umimaginable thoughts to provide a change in industry. Industry is in such a situation where lot of money is going on operational cost of IT enabled services. This invloves initial purchasing of software solutions and its supporting hardware. Apart from initial investment there has been always a maintance cost. This has become more than anticipated. Other side ever changing requriments and new technologies also put companies on trememdous pressure to keep them upto date.

Once the IT services were more of boon to reduce operational cost and now IT services maintanence has become a gaint expenditure. Problem alwasy demands a solution. It is to put IT industry in new dimentions with more creative and innovate ideas. Here came a concept SAAS to reduce IT operatoinal and maintainance cost.

SAAS denotes software as a service. Another name for this is on demand. Concept is not very new in terms of application, but it is new interms of using it for the benifit of consumers.

This makes the IT enabled software provided as servie and consumers just subscribe it and start using it. It removes all hurdles of initial purchasing of hardware, software and its operational cost. It has become a great boon across industry as they don't need to commit for unforseen benefits for future. Now IT services is available as service, try it and if you like to continue you can subscribe for required period. As there was no commitment of procuring all hardware and maintiance setup, It is easy to either discontinue or continue with service. There is no lump some investment. It is steady investment year after year. It is very easy for customer to move on to next generation products based on changing market needs.

In next blog we will see design principles of SAAS and other supporting information for SAAS

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