
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Clumsy thoughts

It's a lovely day. After a scorching day, the evening took over with cool breeze. I was thinking about Money. Why was it had such value? I saw people doing anything for money.
Does it mean money does anything? Don't people think money is an instrument and it be used than being used by it.

I know money is powerful tool. It's just a tool like any other tool. If one uses it properly like many other tools, it helps the one in easing one's work else it works againest the one. So I would always think all tools should work for one. No one should work for tools. Tools are made to be used. The technique of using a tool effectively and effeicently for one's own requriements is the secret of one's achievement.

Money also act similiar way, if one uses it wisely it helps one in achiving what one wants. But if one is influenced or used by money, the one goes to dogs.

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